Friday, October 30, 2009

Vaccination - The Reason It's a Touchy Issue

If you believe in vaccinations you most likely believe in some or all of the following:
- the diseases vaccines prevent are very serious and severe.
- these diseases aren't prevalent since the introduction of vaccines.
- the dangers the vaccine "may" introduce are of less concern than the dangers of the disease they prevent.

You might also believe that it is your civic responsibility to vaccinate your children. This being due to the fact that vaccinations work because of percentages. Currently we as a society meet the standards of vaccinating a certain percentage of our children which is why we don't see terrible diseases like Polio, Measles, etc. very often (and when we do see them they are usually within communities that don't vaccinate their children). That means that the people who are vaccinating their children are protecting those children who are not vaccinated. This is part of the reason people get their hackles up when it comes to this issue.

The other part is that because vaccines are not safe until certain ages, some children who will later be vaccinated are at risk of the severe diseases while they are too young to receive the vaccines. In addition unborn babies are at a risk even if the mother was vaccinated as a child, and even though they are partially protected by the mother's immune system.
So it is somewhat cavalier for a person to state "what's best for you is best for you and what's best for me is best for me." Because one parent choosing not to vaccinate their children takes away the choice for parents of infants and unborn babies.

- I am a firm believer in most childhood vaccinations.

- I don't believe these vaccinations cause Autism and frankly if they did, I'm not sure it would change my mind.

- I don't worry that when my child is 50 she will develop cancer due to potential long term effects of vaccines, because I feel that the effects of vaccine preventable diseases in children are of more concern.

- I feel that we are blessed to live in a country where we are able to be vaccinated.

- I believe that it is a privilege to live in Canada - which reminds me - we do live in Canada and not the U.S. so please keep that in mind when it comes to conspiracy theories about issues that don't affect us - vaccines are different in the States and even province to province. (Just a side note)

- I am grateful for the fact that I don't have to worry about my daughter dying from starvation and though I don't wish autism upon children, I also see that people in Africa would probably gladly take the chance of their child being autistic rather than that same child dying of starvation, or complications of diseases like polio or mumps.

- I believe that if you choose not to vaccinate your child, you should be grateful to those who do because they are protecting yours.

- And I believe that should you choose not to vaccinate your child you should be very very careful when your children are in contact with infants and pregnant women or those people who are not able to receive vaccinations. If your child has come in contact with someone with a disease/virus and may or may not have it, keep them away from infants and pregnant women. Your child is most contagious before you know if they are sick, so do your part and stop the spread.

- I do believe in a parent's right to choose what they feel is best for their child - but I'd like them to understand where their decision fits in their community as well as their country and the world.

- And I'd like parents who choose not to vaccinate their children to understand why, during the time my infant is unprotected, I am not appreciative of the risk to my child.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So often I hear people talking about how God has "called" them to this thing or to that and I wonder what they mean by that phrase. I feel it strange to speak of God's guidance in such specific terms because in my experience, it just isn't that way. It's so much more than any specified "Christianese" term could represent.

It is completely bizarre to me to think of the ways in which God has directed my life. I can say for certain that I have never audibly heard God say " must go this way...". I am also sure that there are decisions I have made in my life without consulting God at all; And this is where my point resides. Even though I may not always look to God when making choices, and even though I may not hear him, he is still very, very much in control.

For example; as I walked with my wonderful husband today, I realised that God intended us to be together and we followed our shepherd, but we really had no clue what was going on. I thought back to the beginning of our relationship, as we were walking, and I said to Jesse "we weren't even friends when we got married." Isn't that ridiculous? We liked each other, yes. We each thought the other interesting and exciting, yes. We even trusted one another, but there was really no guarantee of what would come, other than the fact that no matter how we felt in the future, we would be together.

So now hear we are. We've been married for 3 of the bumpiest years we've had to date, and yet I now see these years as 3 of the most simple years possible. For in these years, God has silently and consistently pushed us ever closer to him, and to each other. As we walked today I looked at the man beside me and I didn't think only of his handsomeness, commitment and his love. I didn't think about any problems or expectations. I looked at my husband and thanked God for the fact that I am married to my best friend -- as cliche as it may sound. Our friendship has developed throughout our marriage and I am so glad that we committed ourselves to each other on that day, in 2006, even though we had no assurance of being any closer in the future than we were at the time.

And so I conclude - it is not necessary for us to feel like God is guiding us and it is not vital for us to wait to move until we hear his voice. The most important thing, is for us to walk in the knowledge that God is God, God is good, and God is ever present regardless of our feelings on the matter!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Farther Equals Closer

So we have moved 2 hours away from the family we have in Saskatoon. You'd think this would mean that we are farther away, but in this case it seems to be quite the opposite. I suppose it might be a case of happy people being happier in their relationships, but I think it's more than that. I think you appreciate the time you get to spend with people a lot more when you don't get to spend much with them.

A while back Becky and I had a conversation which each other and decided that we wanted to work harder at our relationship. So we started talking more, and getting together more, and then I moved. This might have knocked us back a step, but instead it seems to have pushed it forward exponentially. I suppose I am only speaking from my perspective, but I hope this feeling of closeness is mutually held.

I have spent 2 weekends with Becky and Garnet and the kids and have had such a wonderful time!!! Thank you Becky so much for your hospitality and friendship! Your kids are a blessing and I've loved this time I've had to spend with you, and with them!

We are farther from Saskatoon and some of the people we love, but we feel closer emotionally to those people, we are closer to reaching our dreams and achieving our own family unity, and we are closer to's a great thing to be so close!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Law of Inertia. Newton’s first law of inertia states that objects tend to resist changes in their state of motion. An object in motion will tend to stay in motion and an object at rest will tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by a force.

To understand what forces are needed in life would be to know the impossible. It is interesting to me to think of the ways my life has changed in the last five years. Five years ago I was in a dead-end relationship fighting tooth and nail and screaming at the top of my lunges in an attempt to save what I thought was vital to my existence. So enthralled was I, that the thought of better things (or people for that matter) to come never even crossed my mind - nay, those thoughts came and were deliberately pushed away. Certainty as it may seem is less truthful than I had previously thought.

One year after that, I could feel the pendulum swing. Even in the midst of the situation I could feel the change, like it was in the air, or pinned on the moon as a reminder. Though I couldn't have known it at the time, I was ending a destructive relationship and moving on to bigger and better things. I thought I was waiting for the return of my love, but in all honesty, I knew that the love I awaited would come from what I had forgotten, not what I had chased. In six months I realised that I was beautiful and loved and could be the person I wanted to be if only I were to accept the love of my creator as my sufficiency. I was walking with a friend of mine by the river and I told her that I was content being who I was, where I was in life. That I was in love with my life, with my God, and with my future.

Enter Jesse. To this day I honestly believe that only God knows how and why Jesse and I met. I think it will take a lifetime to find out why we are together and how God designed us to be exactly right for each other. Right in ways we like, and in ways we hate, but right none the less. My passion, commitment and convictions collide as I strive to love this man and accept his love for me. Though I am not yet complete, I am completely loved.

Exit Christ (or at least back up). Throughout these, the greatest years of my life, darkness has crept upon me. Though it has gained no foothold, the idea that I can manage life on my own has continually tempted me. And for this, another pendulum has been installed thus leading me to the present time and situation. It's in the air again, and once again hung on the moon. I embrace the confidence that comes with new independence and reliance. Alone, I feel powerful. My God will continue to complete me and for that reason I cling to his Grace, Hope and Peace. As we turn towards our new life we feel the inertia break. It is completely uncomfortable, irritating, fulfilling and beautiful. It is complex. As it should be.