Thursday, March 10, 2011

wee bit Wednesday on Thursday

{one} what color is your kitchen?
White and yellow and ugly. They must have painted and then moved some of the cabinets up so there is a large area under some of the cabinets that is the old wood panel colour.

{two} do you have a good luck charm?
Not really...but I do love charm bracelets.

{three} do you prefer to write with a pen or pencil?
Pencil because I'm a perfectionist. If I wrote enough I'd switch back to pen because I'd remain practiced at it, but seeing as I hardly ever write on paper I stick to pencil in my journal these days. I would actually prefer pen though...maybe I should practice more...specially handwritting!

{four} can you use chopsticks?
Ridiculous as it seems, I actually pride myself on it...I know...I'm crazy.

{five} do you prefer baths or showers?
I'd love baths if I had a nice bathtub. I love it when my kids have baths. But showers are more refreshing.

{six} what is your favorite salad dressing?
Right now I'm super into Ranch, Creamy Cucumber and Coleslaw.

{seven} can you sing the alphabet backwards?
I can say it but I've never thought about singing it. Do you sing the notes backwards or just the regular tune with the letters backwards?

{eight} do you have any allergies?
I'm allergic to my messiness...but you wouldn't believe it if you saw my house.

{nine} crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Creamy and Kraft.

{ten} have you ever hitch hiked?
Oh how I wish! This is one thing I feel angry about in life because I feel like I got ripped off a bit because I'm a woman. I always thought I'd get to travel across Canada this way when I got married, but my husband didn't seem to be interested at all and now we have kids. If I ever had nothing to lose I think it might be one of the first things I'd try!


  1. Don't worry about doing Wee Bits on Thursday - even Leigh (who puts them together) has forgotten to put it up till Thursday :)
    Glad to see you joining in! :)

  2. I am sorry about your ugly kitchen, our rental was so nasty too. It is hard to rent.

    Cute post otherwise:)
